Tuesday, May 21, 2013

New Location

Due to some technical difficulties which we all run into, my blog is now located at epedersen09.wordpress.com

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Podcasting in the Classroom

Did you see my podcast below of my lovely voice reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr? It definitely takes awhile to get used to the sound of your voice, but like I said in a previous post, podcasting can be used in all different situations in the classroom?

As an aspiring kindergarten teacher, most of the students in my classroom (especially at the beginning of the year) will not have full writing skills. To have students use podcasting to tell a story about a picture would be awesome to put below it on the class website. This would allow students to explain their work which is a critical component in development before they are able to write below the picture to tell about it.
I also love the idea of allowing students to podcast about a field trip or on the field trip. The amount of information a student learns and then is able to relay to you is phenomenal. I would love to see how this has worked in other classrooms and how I could implement it on my field trips.
Lastly, I would really love to do podcasting to get to know each individual student. The students are able to record their timelines of their life and could even draw pictures to add to it. I also though instead of doing an autobiography, students could do a biography on another student or an important figure in their lives. One of the standards is learning about those in the community and this would be a great opportunity for students to learn more information about those figures and relay it to the class.

Happy Podcasting!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

Podcasts are amazing! Since I'm a nanny, I can't wait to record more books for the girls to follow along to in the car! Here is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Video and Podcasting

How can you make your lessons, homework instructions, or  newsletters more interesting? Video or podcasting!
Podcasting is what most would relate to radio. It is an mp3 file shared on a site that anyone can listen to. The best thing about podcasting is almost anyone can create one because there is little equipment needed. You just need a recording device (sometimes there is one built into your computer) and a place to save and share.
Video takes just one more step with having a video camera. It's also helpful to have an editing program in case you make an error or would like to add texts and other features.
Students can use podcast or videos to make projects or "powerpoints". Just make sure that you give them time at school as it is unrealistic that every student has access to a computer from home.
You as the teacher can also use podcasts to relay information to your students and parents. Having a class website is a great place to videos or podcasts you make. Podcasts can have an individual project guidelines that you can explain so the parent is aware of that you are requiring as well as the student. Speaking of projects, students can narrate projects or do presentations over video/podcasting.

Check out this video my classmates and I made!

Saturday, May 4, 2013


I had never used Flickr before until this past week. It is amazing. There are so many things you can do with Flickr that I don't even know where to start. There is a great feature to add a group. Within this group anyone that is a member can post pictures. I thought there were many great uses for it. You could have one set up for parents to have access to. Here you could have field trip pictures, class pictures, lesson pictures, student work, and anything school related. Parents would be able to add pictures that they took at field trips or visits to the school. Just make sure you have permission from the school district and each students guardians to post pictures.
Flickr can be used for student groups as well. We talked about using cameras for lessons in younger grades where students go around and take a picture of things that start with the letter being learned that week. This is a great way to get students up and doing hands on activities  Older students could do the same thing with projects and are able to share in a new way!
The map feature allows you to see photos posted at a certain location. This could be useful when exploring a new location for students or pairing up with a classroom at another location. I looked up my hometown, Albany Oregon, and I was able to see different photos of the community. Its awesome to see other peoples perspectives. What a great way for students to view other communities and other cultures!

Check out Flickr tour to get started!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Powerpoint Presentations

It is so important to keep your children interested and following along with your lesson, but how can you do this if the children are nodding off the sleep and the monotone voice you're giving them is helping them drift further?
Presentationzen has great ideas on keeping your powerpoint exciting and intriguing. My favorite is having fewer words and being able to look at images. Its true, the images stick in children's brains when you make them meaningful. I want my children to hear my words and descriptions not copy directly off the page. What fun is that? If they are reading the powerpoint and not listening then there is no reason to be talking.

Align your slides with what you are talking about. Don't have random slides that don't have anything to do with the subject. Repeat your main idea throughout the powerpoint. Use it throughout the slide. Children will begin to remember it.

Check out the book for great layouts!

Monkey See and Monkey Do.

It is important for any adult guiding children to be aware of their actions. Copy and pasting a picture from the internet is habit now. Need a picture? Google Images it is.. But what are we really hoping to teach the children in our classroom. It's important for the children to know that asking for permission to use someone else's work is crucial. We all learn about plagiarism of papers in middle school and high school, but when are we taught about pictures? It is important for students to understand that what is on the internet may be accessible for our use, but isn't always legal and right. Previously, I had posted this chart about what is allowed. Check it out to make sure you're following the rules as well.

Remember, MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO. Children pick up on everything around them. If you can do it, why can't they?